Pizza delivery driver

Pizza delivery driver
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Pizza delivery driver
Pizza delivery driver
Resume examples

3Pizza delivery driver resume examples found

All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use. Copy any of the Pizza delivery driver resume examples to your own resume, or use one of our free downloadable Word templates. We recommend using these Pizza delivery driver resume examples as inspiration only, while creating your own resume.

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Pizza delivery driver


Consistently demonstrate great cash handling skills to take payment and provide change at delivery sites. Ensured all food and drink orders were delivered on time and without damage or spillage. Helped food preparers package and check food orders before leaving the restaurant.

  • Ensured hot and cold food items were kept in compliance with the restaurant’s standards and met all safety and sanitation standards.
  • Regularly assisted food preparation teams as needed, including cleaning food stations, building and stocking to-go boxes, and working registers when there were no delivery orders.
  • Contributed to food preparation, taking orders, restocking ingredients (toppings, cheeses, sauces, etc.), heating/cooking meals, and filling drinks.
  • Maintained a clean driving record and demonstrated a strong ability to navigate various neighborhoods to avoid traffic to ensure deliveries were made on time.
  • Reported all incidents encountered on the road and delivery vehicle mechanical issues to the store manager or shift supervisor.

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Pizza delivery driver


Drives rapid, accurate delivery processes for high-volume restaurant chain. Assists kitchen and prep staff to proactively solve time management issues. Takes customer orders when possible to alleviate strain on other staff members. Communicates with customers to create great service environment.

  • Brought down prep time from 10 minutes to 5 minutes by pre-loading ingredients for common orders.
  • Developed a cross-check system between staff members that ensured order accuracy and eliminated order re-dos.

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Pizza delivery driver

Entry level

Delivered pizzas, side orders, and a variety of other food items to customers and businesses in assigned territories. Maintained an energetic and positive attitude throughout the delivery process. Helped develop a loyal client base by demonstrating excellent customer service and promoting our brand.

  • Demonstrated accurate and effective cash handling, electronic payment, cash drops, and reconciliation skills.
  • Delivered door hangers and leaflets throughout the neighborhood as assigned to promote the restaurant and weekly specials.
  • Maintained the brand image by arriving at the restaurant and upholding a clean uniform and personal appearance during each shift.
  • Kept a keen sense of direction as demonstrated with map reading and navigation skills to deliver food and drink orders on time.
  • Exhibited a friendly demeanor at all times (in-store and when making deliveries) by greeting customers and answering questions.

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