Media planner

Media planner
Resume examples

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Media planner
Media planner
Resume examples

6Media planner resume examples found

All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use. Copy any of the Media planner resume examples to your own resume, or use one of our free downloadable Word templates. We recommend using these Media planner resume examples as inspiration only, while creating your own resume.

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Advertising resume examples
Experience level

Media planner


Developed or recommended specific media ad campaign strategies to increase the client’s brand recognition, attract and retain customers, and maintain and increase customer satisfaction and experience. Hired and trained assistant media planners and ensured deadlines were clear and feasible.

  • Created, implemented, and monitored media plans and campaigns across the assigned client portfolio of 12+ high-end accounts averaging $150k annually.
  • Met with clients regularly to identify target audiences, analyze their characteristics, and their media behaviors and habits.
  • Developed and implemented national and local media campaigns for some of the biggest brands in sports technology.
  • Prepared RFPs for media publishers, served on the analytical team to determine the best media selections, and negotiated rates with applicants.
  • Worked closely with internal teams to develop target audiences and objectives, and developed detailed media flowcharts.

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Media planner


Piloted 3 high-profile promotional campaigns for well-known brands: Chewy, PetSmart, and Frisco. Leveraged relationship management and negotiation skills to finalize branding contracts.

  • Held meetings with brand managers and company leaders to outline marketing requirements for each.
  • Assessed media and content guidelines prior to content creation.
  • Collaborated with marketing teams to deliver brand campaign schedules and strategies.
  • Created tailored promotional content and marketing tools.

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Professional resume templates

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  • Optimized for applicant tracking system (ATS) screening

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Resume examples

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