Social Media Marketer

Social Media Marketer
Resume examples

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Social Media Marketer
Social Media Marketer
Resume examples

4Social Media Marketer resume examples found

All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use. Copy any of the Social Media Marketer resume examples to your own resume, or use one of our free downloadable Word templates. We recommend using these Social Media Marketer resume examples as inspiration only, while creating your own resume.

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Social Media Marketing


Branded and launched an online business and developed a business plan. Implemented multi-channel sales strategy leveraged marketplaces including Zulily and Amazon. Built coherent brand and marketing strategy through value-driven marketing. Cultivated trusting relationships with prospective customers.

  • Created and aligned content for social media, blog, mailing campaigns, and press releases for a brand presentation; executed digital marketing tools including SEM, lead generation/nurturing systems, and social media optimization.
  • Facilitated email automation and email campaigns based on an Editorial Calendar.
  • Identified target companies via internet research, industry associations, business intelligence tools, and publications.
  • Successfully handled website creation and marketing programs by building up social media account across several industries which grew sales by 50%.
  • Collaborated with Creative and Sales teams to manage pipeline, develop pricing, draft SOWs, and attend pitches.

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Social Media Marketer


Maintained and expanded the company’s social media presence on a variety of platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Drafted ideas for new digital media and marketing strategies within short timeframes and presented results to senior management.

  • Increased average weekly Facebook reach by over 200% within 90 days by creating new contests, and promotions, and publishing original content to reflect company goals.
  • Improved monthly social media presence by 18% by overseeing the quality of weekly content.
  • Measured the ROI of various social media channels and proposed new tactics to optimize client outreach through new products and brand launches.
  • Revised monthly social media reports focusing on popular keywords and actionable metrics. Delivered updated platform effectiveness documentation to senior management for review.
  • Reinforced relationships between graphic designers, online marketing team, and brand development staff, encouraging a united team aimed at the success of the brand.

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