Software developer

Software developer
Resume examples

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Software developer
Software developer
Resume examples

7Software developer resume examples found

All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use. Copy any of the Software developer resume examples to your own resume, or use one of our free downloadable Word templates. We recommend using these Software developer resume examples as inspiration only, while creating your own resume.

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Software developer

Entry level

Troubleshot, debugged, maintained, and improved existing software according to customer and department requests. Trained and furthered knowledge of the most in-demand programming skills to adequately complete job assignments as directed by the supervisors and experienced developers.

  • Compiled and assessed customer feedback to make improvement recommendations to existing software products.
  • Wrote and maintained accurate technical notes and documentation to help guide future development projects.
  • Identified potential liabilities in development projects and made recommendations to resolve issues and avoid further obstacles.
  • Reviewed client portals, payment processing, and eSignature incidents to simplify communication and interactions.
  • Performed routine maintenance and backup of the company’s software programs and applications before and after deployment.

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Software developer

Entry level

Performed regular software testing and maintenance to ensure products operated according to requirements and specifications. Under the direction of the supervising development team, served as an entry point between music labels and the supply chain to record and recommend software improvements.

  • Reviewed end-user comments to make recommendations for improvements to existing software programs and applications.
  • Interfaced with clients to diagnose problems with existing software and directed concerns to lead developers.
  • Demonstrated exceptional listening skills to support colleagues and understand the problems they have with clients and suggest potential solutions.
  • Documented every aspect of a software application or system as a reference point for future maintenance and upgrades.
  • Designed each piece of an application or system and planned how the pieces would function as a whole.

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Professional resume templates

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  • Direct download as a Microsoft Word document
  • Created by a CPRW certified resume expert
  • Optimized for applicant tracking system (ATS) screening

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