Music teacher

Music teacher
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Music teacher
Music teacher
Resume examples

6Music teacher resume examples found

All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use. Copy any of the Music teacher resume examples to your own resume, or use one of our free downloadable Word templates. We recommend using these Music teacher resume examples as inspiration only, while creating your own resume.

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Music teacher

Entry level

Has a real love for music and possesses very good musical ability. Specializes in brass instruments. Dedicated to helping young students find areas in music where they can thrive.

  • Was a teacher’s aide in teaching trumpet and trombone to fifth graders in Chicago, IL.
  • Helped organize a Christmas program and concentrated on teaching second to fourth graders in learning and singing the songs.
  • Introduced sixth graders to some of the basics in music including rhythm, dynamics, melody, harmony, tone color, texture, and form.
  • Helped in the creation of a music history program for 150 middle-school children.

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Music teacher

Entry level

Organized daily lesson plans to achieve intended preparation for school performance while enhancing students’ abilities to reach the school district's curriculum requirements. Instructed on a wide range of music literature which included classical, contemporary, popular, and modern styles.

  • Worked closely with a 3-person teacher group to create and institute a comprehensive behavior management program to encourage classroom participation and achievement.
  • Created and instituted group and individual lesson plans to address students’ needs and musical preferences, including musical styles, vocal techniques, and instruments.
  • Acquired experience across all facets of classroom instruction, evaluation, and management, including attendance, assessment, and parent-teacher conferences.
  • Collaborated with the IT Instructor to develop a dedicated music website to assign students with educational resources, group activities, and practice tests to enhance learning.
  • Managed after-school tutoring program for students struggling with subjects outside of music to improve self-confidence and achieve academic success.

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