Graphic artist

Graphic artist
Resume examples

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Graphic artist
Graphic artist
Resume examples

1Graphic artist resume examples found

All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use. Copy any of the Graphic artist resume examples to your own resume, or use one of our free downloadable Word templates. We recommend using these Graphic artist resume examples as inspiration only, while creating your own resume.

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Graphic artist


Hard-working Graphic Artist with ability to develop distinctive custom artwork. Innovative perspective on concept development. Offers 6 years of experience managing individual projects and corporate brand development collections.

  • Developed collateral including marketing and packaging materials to drive product branding strategies.
  • Created innovative designs for print materials, marketing packages, banners, signs, and brochures.
  • Worked closely with clients and vendors to establish project scopes, define requirements, and adhere to project milestones.
  • Prepared and wrote instructions for company manual for several job roles.

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  • Free for personal use
  • Direct download as a Microsoft Word document
  • Created by a CPRW certified resume expert
  • Optimized for applicant tracking system (ATS) screening

Choosing a correct resume format and template

Resume examples

Resume template

Download our American style resume template. Chronological resume format. Download a functional resume template.

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Download our British/European style cv template. Similar to a resume but more commonly used in Europe, Asia and Africa.

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