Logistics specialist

Logistics specialist
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Logistics specialist
Logistics specialist
Resume examples

13Logistics specialist resume examples found

All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use. Copy any of the Logistics specialist resume examples to your own resume, or use one of our free downloadable Word templates. We recommend using these Logistics specialist resume examples as inspiration only, while creating your own resume.

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Director of logistics


Managed and oversaw the operations for a successful hardware store with locations in several major cities.

  • Served as a liaison officer between various departments including warehouse management and sales management.
  • Established a successful production strategy for maximizing time and cost efficiency.
  • Collaborated with a variety of companies and organizations that relied on use of our products in their respective industries.
  • Trained, supervised, and mentored 80+ employees over a period of 17 years.
  • Managed the budget and saw the profit margin increase by 12% in a span of two years.
  • Performed safety inspections of both store and warehouse locations.

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Logistics specialist


Assisted and collaborated with the logistics department to manage a worldwide range of projects related to equipment and supplies.

  • Handled and supervised cross-border shipments and ensured the due diligence related to authorization and compliance inventory.
  • Developed an innovative and highly efficient routing system for inventory with the help of cross-functional teams.
  • Ensured the contractual and governmental regulatory obligations in transportation, distribution, and operational procedures.
  • Monitored and managed prompt and errorless dispatching, tracking, and shipment processes for equipment transportation. 
  • Liaised between various teams and organizations to ensure transportation standards were met.
  • Trained logistics team according to tracking trends and streamlined operational procedures.
  • Collaborated with higher management and created strategical reports on operational changes.

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Logistics manager


Plan, direct, and coordinate all facets of the domestic and international logistics and supply chain operations for a successful parts manufacturer. Enhance productivity and profitability through continuous process improvements and by monitoring performances through IDP – Individual development plans.

  • Developed and implemented supplier metrics to improve quality output, fill rate, and on-time delivery by 30% each.
  • Proposed capital expenditures for new equipment that saved $2M in operating costs annually through increased productivity, efficiency, and quality.
  • Saved $4M in operating costs annually by implementing streamlined procedures.

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Logistics coordinator


Lead organizational change through initiatives that impart greater gains, cost reductions, and sustainable improvements. Collaborate daily on major programmatic improvements with senior managers, purchasing, and the executive team. Plan, monitor and schedule material movement in production cycle to ensure continuous operations.

  • Direct 8-member team to develop a routing system for $40M in supplies, material, and equipment.
  • Saved $1.2M in operational costs by identifying and mitigating efficiency bottlenecks with automation solutions.
  • Achieved 99.9% flawless delivery rate with 0% loss of damage to materials.
  • Created tracking processes and procedures and trained staff on implementing new efficiencies to improve productivity by 30% in a year.

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