Art teacher

Art teacher
Resume examples

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Art teacher
Art teacher
Resume examples

4Art teacher resume examples found

All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use. Copy any of the Art teacher resume examples to your own resume, or use one of our free downloadable Word templates. We recommend using these Art teacher resume examples as inspiration only, while creating your own resume.

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Art teacher


An accomplished and award-winning art teacher serving local schools for three decades.

  • Adapted to the latest in technology to enhance the creative skills of students.
  • Educated students on a variety of methodologies in applying creativity to art projects.
  • Devised lessons involving use of a variety of material, such as clay for sculpting, origami, and etching on slate.
  • Encouraged students at various skill levels to apply creative thinking when mastering art and never discouraged students from pursuing art.
  • Lectured on art history lessons involving various eras such as the Baroque and Renaissance periods and issued brief quizzes relating to art history.
  • Set up different contests to showcase students’ artwork to parents and faculty.

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  • Created by a CPRW certified resume expert
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